“Ilúvatar called to them, and said:
'I know the desire of your minds that what ye have seen should verily be,
not only in your thought, but even as ye yourselves are, and yet other.
Therefore I say:
Eä! Let these things Be!
And I will send forth into the Void, the Flame Imperishable,
and it shall be at the heart of the World, and the World shall Be;
and those of you that will may go down into it.'
And suddenly the Ainur saw afar off a light, as it were a cloud with a living heart of flame;
and they knew that this was no vision only, but that Ilúvatar had made a new thing:
Eä, the World that Is.”
--J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, Ainulindalë (The Music of the Ainur).
“Long they labored in the regions of Ea,
which is vast beyond the thought of Elves and Men,
until in the time appointed was made Arda, the Kingdom of Earth.
Then they put on the raiment of Earth and descended into it, and dwelt therein.”
--J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, Valaquenta
This website is dedicated to helping modify, create, and organize role playing gaming systems and source materials optimally fitting J.R.R. Tolkien's world of Middle-earth, Endor, Arda, and Eä (pronounced Eh-ah (eh as in pet, ah as in about)).
The Eä d20 RPG is released under the Open d20 and Creative Commons open licenses. The Eä RPG System variants are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/.
There are two major types of Eä RPG systems, adapted and original:
- Eä d20 (d20, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, and Pathfinder adapted for Middle-earth) - The Eä d20 Role Playing Game is an adaptation of D&D and variants to Middle-earth. This allows you to use your existing Dungeons & Dragons core books in a Tolkien RPG campaign setting.
- The Eä Role-Playing Game System is available in three versions:
- Eä RPGS Basic Rules (1d6-based, very basic system)
- Eä RPGS Standard Rules (d100 percentile-based)
- Eä RPGS Advanced Rules (d100 percentile-based but with more charts and details)
You can participate in the development of the Eä RPG System and Eä d20 RPG a number of ways. If you prefer web-based forums, see the forum section on the website.
If you prefer email lists here is information on subscribing to the email list of choice:
- Eä d20 Role Playing Game System email list (adaptation of D&D 3.5 to Middle-earth), send a blank email to d20-subscribe@earpg.com (from a NON-MICROSOFT-based email account), then wait for a verification email (should only take a few minutes, check your spam folder. Then reply to the confirmation email and you will be subscribed. You post new messages after you are subscribed by sending to d20@earpg.com. All postings show up to all list members.
- Eä Role Playing Game System email list (new system from scratch built specifically for gaming in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth and beyond), send a blank email to earpgs-subscribe@earpg.com (from a NON-MICROSOFT-based email account), then wait for a verification email (should only take a few minutes, check your spam folder. Then reply to the confirmation email and you will be subscribed. You post new messages after you are subscribed by sending to earpgs@earpg.com. All postings show up to all list members.
Real time discussion is also available on the merp.com IRC servers:
server: irc.merp.com
channel: #earpg
If you do not have your own IRC client, you can use the java-applet based one here:
If you have an problems with the website or email list, feel free to email
earpgs at gmail dot com.